Friday, October 14, 2005

dar kai kas keltiško

Šiek tiek apie pačius tekstus. Jie iš A. Carmichael knygos "Carmina Gadelica. Hymns and incantations" (Floris Books,1992). Tai nėra autorinė kūryba, kaip galima pamanyti. Autorius, 19a. pab. gyvenęs Škotijoje (g.1832), surinko šią medžiagą kaip pas mus įprasta rinkti folklorą. Tik be dainų, pasakų ar patarlių jis dar sugebėjo užrašyti ir įvairius palaiminimus ir liaudiškus užkalbėjimus, kuriuose senojo tikėjimo elementai susipynę su krikščioniškais, ir sunku juos ir beatskirti. Tai kažkas specifiško, kas, manau, ypač vertinga paskaitinėti mums, lietuviams, kurie, priėmę Kristaus mokymą jau penki šimtai metų, savo kasdienybėje irgi nemažai turi senosios lietuvių kultūros elementų.
Keltiški palaiminimai ir maldos, raginimai ir kvietimai kartu su įv. užkalbėjimais - buvusi savastis kasdienio keltų gyvenimo, kai tų palaiminimų ir Dievo kvietimo, ar gal tiesiog Jo įsileidimo pilni kasdieniai darbai ir buitis, ne tik sekmadienis :) (tarkim, yra palaiminimų sakomų prausiantis, rengiantis, ir net... melžiant karvę :))

(Kai kuriuos tekstus nesiryžtu išversti, tai pateikiu angliškai)

Rune before prayer

I am bending my knee
In the eye of the Father who created me,
In the eye of the Son who purchased me,
In the eye of the Spirit who cleansed me,
In friendship and affection.
Through Thine own Anointed One, O God,
Bestow upon us fullness in our need,
Love towards God,
The affection of God,
The smile of God,
The wisdom of God.
The grace of God,
The fear of God,
And the will of God
To do on the world of the Three,
As angels and saints
Do in heaven;
Each shade and light,
Each day and night,
Each time in kindness,
Give Thou us Thy Spirit.

- - - - - - -

God with me lying down

God with me lying down,
God with me rising up,
God with me in each ray of light,
Nor I a ray of joy without Him,
Nor one ray without Him.

Christ with me sleeping,
Christ with me waking,
Christ with me watching,
Every day and night,
Each day and night.

God with me protecting,
The Lord with me directing,
The Spirit with me strengthening,
For ever and evermore,
Ever and evermore, Amen.
Chief of chiefs, Amen.

- - - - - - - -

The guiding light of eternity

O God, who broughst me from the rest of last night
Unto the joyous light of this day,
Be Thou bringing me from the new light of this day
Unto the guiding light of eternity.
Oh! from the new light of this day
Unto the guiding light of eternity.

- - - - - - - -

Come I this day

Come I this day to the Father,
Come I this day to the Son,
Come I to the Holy Spirit powerful;
Come I this day with God,
Come I this day with Christ,
Come I with the Spirit of kindly balm.

God, and Spirit, and Jesus,
from the crown of my head
To the soles of my feet;
Come I with my reputation,
Come I with my testimony,
Come I to Thee, Jesu;
Jesu, shelter me.

- - - - - - - -

House protecting

Gd, bless the world and all that is herein.
God, bless my spouse and my children,
God, bless the eye that is in my head,
And bless, O God, the handling of my hand;
What time I rise in the morning early,
What time I lie down late in bed;
Bless my rising in the morning early,
And my lying down late in bed.

God, protect the house, and the household,
God, consecrate the children of the motherhood,
God encompass the flocks and the young;
Be Thou after them and tending them,
What time the flocks ascend hill and wold,
What time I lie down to sleep;
What time the flocks ascend hill and wold,
What time I lie down in peace to sleep.


(bus daugiau)


At 11:59 AM, October 14, 2005, Blogger + simonas said...

jo, turiu ir aš tą knyžką... yra gerų dalykų...

At 1:29 PM, October 14, 2005, Blogger tichike said...

nu, jei skaityt viska is eiles, tai kartais tokiu siurprizu ten randu, kuriu nelabai suprast iseina :) o kad turi, tai saunu, bo as cia skolinausi, ir vis galvojau, kaip imanoma daugiau nusikopijuot ir parsivezt namo, nes idomu tokius karts nuo karto pasiskaitinet.

At 1:18 AM, October 28, 2005, Blogger Linas said...

O as tik lietuviskai skaitau;)Gaila.


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